the sargent family


We are founded on four generations of hard work, family ties and tradition – working with our very own Jersey cows, the land, and Mother Nature to create delicious milk. Our family is excited to launch our own Single Farm Reserve bottled milk, and a selection of artisanal cheese and curds - all made with premium quality & exceptional taste.

bottle of SFD mint chocolate milk

Flavour of the Month

March - Mint Chocolate

🍀Mint Chocolate milk is here for March! 🍀
Grab a bottle of mint chocolate milk
Quantities are limited get it before it’s gone!

If you want to enjoy it all year round, take it home transfer to another container and freeze it for later!

Mint chocolate milk will be distributed to retailers who order it next week! We recommend if you would like your SFD retailer to carry it, let them know!

“Our Sargent Family Dairy’s single farm reserve milk will be the richest, smoothest and most flavourful milk you’ll ever taste.”





Jerseys naturally produce the highest quality milk for human consumption. Compared to average milk, a glass of Jersey milk has greater nutritional value: 15% to 20% more protein, 15% to 18% more calcium, and 10% to 12% more phosphorous, and also considerably higher levels of an essential vitamin, B12. This nutrient-dense Jersey milk also tastes better and the reason for this is more protein, calcium and other non-fat solids in Jersey milk compared to other breeds.

Nutritional Facts →

Learn More About Jersey Milk →

smaller carbon footprint | higher calcium and protein | amazing taste


Our Mission


At Sargent Family Dairy taste, quality, health & nutrition are at the heart of everything we do. Every product we craft starts with farm fresh milk processed in our certified facility. We are excited to offer bottled milk, as well as, an assortment of cheese and curds from our Single Farm Reserve milk–all made with quality & taste in mind.  



Sargent Family Dairy Jersey milk is Local, Fresh from the Farm, it’s Rich and Delicious. Our Single Farm Reserve milk will be the smoothest, most flavourful milk you have ever tasted.


Wholesale inquiries

We are excited to offer our products to retail stores & food service. Orders can be custom made and delivered within one day of production, guaranteeing the freshest product possible. We also offer product sample events in store upon request. Contact us to learn more.